Peek into the beginnings of a bean stalk!

Stages of bean growth

After few weeks of doing experiments indoors, it was time for a field trip. Kids were all excited and had come prepared wearing shoes, cap and a bag to carry vegetables etc.
Before heading out, we had a small discussion around

1. What are different ways plants grow?.

2. How vegetables, pulses, fruits grow?

3. What are different forms of cultivation?

Then, it was time for some hands on learning : A demo of bean seed growing. The kids looked at the soaked sprouted  black eyed  bean and other soaked beans too. They recollected  seeing their moms grow sprouted green gram (belonging to the legume family). 

The sprouted green gram

Over night soaked beans

  We opened one black eye bean to find how the baby plant starts growing inside the sprouted bean.

It was now easy for the kids to compare the sprout to the diagram. They could see each and every part of the bean sprout and understand their role in the growth of the plant.


The testa is the seed covering of the bean. It is very thin but tough to protect the seed and is in different colors dependent on the variety of the bean. It has a small opening called the micropyle through which water enters  the seed  to start the germination process. 


This is the fleshiest part of the bean and covers most of the bean. It acts as a food storage for the young plant until it grows to support itself. In the middle of the two cotyledons is the tiny embryo waiting to grow.
Parts of a bean seed and their roles


When water enters the embryo, the radicle starts growing, moves down and out through the micropyle, into the soil to develop as primary roots.


Hilum is the scar on a seed, where it was originally attached to the parent plant. It is like the 'navel' of the seed and is seen on the outer seed covering testa.


Hypocotyl is the area between the root and cotyledons. It will grow and become part of the stem that connects to the root when the plant grows.


Epicotyl is the shoot above the cotyledons. It will grow and develop into leaves of the plant. 

After learning about the seed parts, it was time to head out for some fresh air and more learning. Off to the farm with excited kids along !!!

At the farm, looking for mango fruits

Bottle gourd - a vine creeper

White raddish - a root vegetable

Ladies finger growing against gravity :-)

Maize Plants

Cucumber planted in a row

 A beautiful Sunset

The day ended with lots of science wonders and a beautiful sunset to watch. 


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