Simple Sound Activities

We started our first activity by simply listening to the sounds around us both near and far. We then blindfolded our eyes and tried listening to the same sounds again.

Kids were able to observe keenly and also answer

1. What were the sounds they heard?

2. How far the sound was coming from and also the direction it was coming from?

3. What object was making the sound?

They also realized that their listening ability was much better when blindfolded. We then discussed about how different shapes of animal ears  such as rabbit, elephants, dogs, cats are, their functions  and how they use it. We talked about echo location used by  bats and aquatic animals such as dolphins, whales too.

To test their keen listening and observing skills we did the following activity.

Materials needed 

1. Plastic  cup
2. glass cup
3. Melanine cup
4. Stainless steel cup
5. small knife or a fork


1. Blind fold one student.
2. Lightly tap one glass at a time.
3.  Let the blindfolded student identify from which cup the sound was coming from?.
4. Tap randomly and see if the student is able to identify well.

Kids had a great time doing this activity. This is a simple activity that can be done with younger kids.

After this activity kids had questions

 How is  sound made?

Sound is made when something moves or vibrates. This movement starts the sound wave in the surrounding air. For example, when a drumstick hits a drum the flexible skin of the drum vibrates up and down. The skin's vibration makes a sound by moving the air above it.

 How does sound travel through air?

Sound in air is made when air molecules vibrate and move (away from the source of sound) in a pattern called sound waves. Sound waves are mechanical waves that travel in all directions in waves of  compressions and rarefactions (expansion).

 Can we see sound waves with our eyes?

No, we can't. This is due to our eyes being the receptors of electromagnetic waves and therefore can't see. Sound waves are nothing but the expanding and contracting air.

With a simple experiment we can see sound. Yes!, you heard it right. Lets get the materials for this activity.

You can see sound activity

Materials needed

1. A glass bowl
2. Plastic wrap
3. 2 Tb spoon of  raw (uncooked) rice
4. A metal plate ( cookie sheet, pie pan etc)
5. A metal spoon


1. Tear a big piece of plastic wrap bigger than the glass bowl.
2. Secure the plastic wrap over the bowl. Make sure it is tight.
3. Sprinkle the rice on top of the wrap.
4. Hold the metal plate in air and  very close to the bowl .
5. Using the metal spoon bang on the metal plate like a drum watch the rice move.

How it works

The rice moves up and down because of the vibrations caused by the sound waves  from the spoon hitting the metal plate. These sound waves travel through air and when they reach the plastic wrap it  makes the rice move up and down. The sound waves are also what allows us to hear the noise made by the spoon hitting the plate.

I hope you enjoy doing this sound activity :-)


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